INCORD is a European luxury shopping service brand for Asian customers. Our name means "local in Europe" and "heart and connection", and our brand spirit is "peace of mind, peace of mind, and heart". Our mission is to deliver the beautiful items of European craftsmanship to the hands of customers all over the world, so that they can experience the exquisite and beautiful life of Europeans.

We were established in 2019 and have legally registered companies and trademarks in London, UK and Taiwan. The founder has worked as a boutique buyer for many years, and is familiar with the details of various luxury goods and has the ultimate vision. Our main products include boutique bags, shoes and accessories of European brands. We will personally go to counters or Outlets all over Europe to purchase products, and provide original invoices and guarantee cards for the products. Our customer base comes from all over Asia, they are very satisfied with our goods and services, and they will recommend INCORD to their friends.

Our logo is a fan window resembling a handbag in reverse. Windows represent the good life and good things in Europe, while handbags, one of our main products, are very representative. This logo also reflects our philosophy of bringing European local fashion information and products to Asian customers.

INCORD is a global fashion shopping platform that allows you to easily buy your favorite items from counters, outlets or boutiques around the world. No matter where you are in the world, we can provide you with the latest and most unique fashion items that are perfect for you. From established designers to emerging brands.

We are customer-centric and committed to providing you with the best quality goods and services. The prices of our items vary according to your shipping address and the prices set by our partners. When you shop with us, we get you the best price when you get there.

We also provide you with fast and reliable international shipping, so you can receive your order in a timely manner. We will use well-known international express companies and provide logistics tracking numbers so that you can keep an eye on the location of your goods.

INCORD is your ideal fashion shopping partner, allowing you to explore the charm of global boutiques anytime, anywhere. You are welcome to join our membership and enjoy our high-quality services.